Camp SEED Boys Week 6

Dear Parents,
What a great week we've had this past week!
Our learning with the SEED Bochrim has been on a roll, and the campers have really been loving every minute of it!
Here the scoop on what we did this past week.
On Monday we got to let out all our energy at Elevated Sports & literally bounced off the walls with high stakes dodgeball games, and foam pits!
On Tuesday we had a really nice Tisah B’Av davening and explanatory Kinnus with a lot of input from the SEED Bochrim.
On Wednesday We went to tour Seattle Chocolate Factory, we learned how chocolate is made from cocoa beans, and see first-hand how it’s produced, we then got to taste lots of Kosher chocolates of every kind and flavor.
On Thursday we played baseball, after the heat took over, we got in a extra-long swimming session!
On Friday we went down to sefair, we found a nice chilled spot to watch the show and spent a lot of time in the water!
To see tons of pictures of all our amazing learning & activities please follow this link: